Thursday, June 24, 2010

One Stubborn Chick

I am one stubborn chick. I've gotten myself in some mighty pickles over the years, but other times my refusal to give in or give up has saved me much grief. My insistence that I can do anything has pushed me to keep going when I'd really rather have spent a week in bed.

About 17 years ago I had a brief conversation with a woman whose 20 year-old daughter had just been diagnosed with a widespread pain disorder very few had heard of. As I listened to the mom tell me what the girl suffered, I thought to myself that I experienced many of those same problems. But being a missionary on furlough who was heading back to Croatia in a matter of days, I blew it off as just a bit of hypochondria. 

Nearly two decades later I find myself with the very same diagnosis: fibromyalgia.  As I look back on 17+ years of an undiagnosed pain disorder I'm pretty sure that being a stubborn chick has been a true blessing (though for others it my stubbornness may have been more of a curse!). 

Sure there have been days when I stayed in bed, but thinking that most of what I experienced was a normal experience of life motivated me to push through most of those days the way those around me seemed to be doing. (Yes, I know it's stupid to think that everyone regularly has times when everything aches and they are tired out of their minds, but I assure you that's not the stupidest thing I've ever thought!)

So now that I have discovered that I actually have a disorder for which there are well established ways to manage the pain and fatigue, I'm feeling a great deal of relief and excitement. The possibility of feeling good looms larger than life before me. 

And to those who would say, "Christine, you are one stubborn chick," I reply, "Yes, and stubbornness pays of...sometimes." 

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A lighthearted look at the year between my 39th and 40th birthdays.