Saturday, March 6, 2010

Less is More

It's been a week since my last post. At many points in the week I have thought of things I want to write about, but too much stuff got in the way. I confess there was a time when every week was like that. Jam-packed with things to do, meetings to attend, people to host, commitments to keep.

About a year ago I came to the end of a journey during which God impressed indelibly on my heart and mind the importance of doing less, scheduling less, giving up good stuff and keeping only the best. It was a difficult journey and I grieved over many of the things I left behind, but I have no regrets.  In the end I found my life recentered on God and family.

This past year I have enjoyed the fruits of that journey, and it is weeks like this past one that remind me to continue the work of maintaining the simplicity I found. Today life has space for the unexpected and unforeseeable. Unplanned happenings are absorbed into the fabric of everyday without rending that fabric.

So, when Mark called Saturday and said a graduate student was coming Sunday and needed a place to stay for a week, life was not turned upside down by putting him in our guest room. When Boy 1 had a migraine, I had the time needed to take him to the doctor on the same day that I was hosting 30 graduate students for dinner. When a friend called and invited the boys to swim with her boys at the YMCA I had the time to chat for 30 minutes when I dropped them off with her.

And in the midst of it all I still had plenty of time to study, work, hang out with Wee 1, have lunch with a friend, attend a case review session on infant mortality, and enjoy my morning coffee with Matt, Meridith, Al, and Ann.

1 comment:

  1. I so needed to read this. Its something I need to be working on harder. I want to be able to say this about my life in a year. -- Nicole


A lighthearted look at the year between my 39th and 40th birthdays.