Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I Love Ya...

Tomorrow is the big day, the mother of all birthdays, the culmination of this blog:

My 40th Birthday!!

You may recall that I started this blog in an effort not to let my big birthday be stolen from me. Being several years younger than most of the people I spend most of my time with, milestone after milestone comes long after they have come for my "older" friends. Consequently, by the time I get to the milestone, everyone else has so moved on.

In an effort to preserve the sanctity of my 40th birthday, I have celebrated the joys and shared the woes of my 39th year of life through this blog. And I have had a blast doing it!

Of course, I realize that this is just one more birthday. There will be no bells tolling for me tomorrow, I won't suddenly have life figured out and know exactly what God intends for me. In fact, I cannot expect to become anything more than one day older.

But oh the difference a day can make!! I love you, tomorrow!!

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A lighthearted look at the year between my 39th and 40th birthdays.