At the end of Kairos Outside weekends (see Friday's post if you don't know what Kairos Outside is) around the world our guests are asked two questions:
1. What did the weekend mean to you?
2. What are you going to do about it?
Our guests do not have to share their answers out loud, though there is an opportunity to do so if they choose. Mostly we want them to contemplate the things they saw, heard, and experienced over the course of the weekend and articulate their overall experience so that they may go forward with intentionality.
Far too often we/I experience life-changing, transformative moments and then move on as though nothing happened. We fail to integrate the moment into the narrative of our lives so that the impact is lasting and powerful.
And that's what I love about what I call the "So What?" question. So what if I learned a life-changing truth today? So what if that experience was transforming? How will that truth/experience impact the way I live my life from that moment on and enrich God's Kingdom on earth?
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