It's Saturday night and the house is empty of all but me. For many women that would mean it's time to light some candles and get out the bubble bath. For others (believe it or not) time alone involves scrubbing bubbles and Mr. Clean.
But for me on this night the equation for relaxation looks like this:
Boy 1 at teen boys' retreat x (Boy 2 + Husband at karate Christmas party) = Mom in empty house x Singing at top of voice with all-time favorite tunes
It's a rare gift to have an empty house, and I have learned the fine art of taking full advantage of it. Generally speaking, my alone time looks and sounds pretty bad. I put my headphones on, crank up the iPod, and sing and dance with all my heart. (Lisa, if you are reading this, it's pretty similar to the many Manilow parties we had in college only with a few post-partum pounds and gray hairs.)
(Right now "Higher Love" by Steve Winwood is playing, and, yes, I am singing loudly as I type.)
There is something about music that reaches deep into me and brings out emotions of all kinds. Whether I'm listening to ABBA, beautiful hymns, or Billy Joel and Barry Manilow, music moves me in unique ways. It is a full-on intense experience that I love!
So, lest I lose my chance before Boy 2 and Husband return from above mentioned party, I will sign off and replay that Steve Winwood song before moving on to a bit of Natalie Merchant and 10,000 Maniacs...bring me a higher love, bring me a higher love, where's that higher love I keep thinking of?
You really are doing the alone thing right. I miss you too.