Monday, December 28, 2009

A New Den

Boy 2 helped out with the demolition part of the job...something he was perhaps born to do. He is not naturally destructive, but he loves to get hands on with life. He is a natural born adventurer and 


  1. This is my first go at putting pictures into my blog. I cannot explain the bold of some text, nor the different color of the last sentence. I did not format it that way, but I cannot get it to be normal.

    But, since it took an hour just to get the pictures and the text to work side by side without enormous gaps, I am going to leave it as is.

    Think of it as representative of the chaos that ensues in my upstairs right now.

  2. You were just trying to emphasize some points there. Sure. We'll go with it. (Blogger is silly at times.)


A lighthearted look at the year between my 39th and 40th birthdays.